
Online Event: “Addressing Gender Issues in the Public Sector in Argentina and Australia”

We invite you to join us for the online event “Addressing Gender Issues in the Public Sector in Argentina and Australia” on March 30th at 10:30 am (UTC+11:00, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney)

The event will look at the current state of affairs and measures being taken in Argentina and Australia to address gender issues in the public sector, such as systemic inequality, exclusion and violence. The discussion will include presentations by an expert panel including speakers from Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship, the Australian Public Service Commission and the Australian National University.

To register to attend this online event, please email eaust@mrecic.gov.ar 

See also the following link: https://genderinstitute.anu.edu.au/gender-issues-public-sector-argentina...

Fecha de Publicación : 24/03/2021